Create a Zest Booking Account

Create a Zest Booking Account

A Zest Booking Account gives you access to many Zest Booking products. With a Zest Account, you can use our products like: 

  • Import duty and tax calculator
  • Online Booking
  • Real-time tracking
  • Track & Trace
Step 1: Choose a Zest Booking Account type

Important: When you create a Zest Booking for your business, A business account also made easier to set up, which helps improve your business visibility and manage your online bookings all in one place.

Tip: We ask for some personal information when you create a Zest booking Account. You can help keep your account secure and our services more useful by providing accurate information.

  1. Go to the Zest Booking Account sign in page.
  2. Click Create account.
  3. Enter your names.
  4. In the “Email” in the field.
    • Tip: When you enter your email, this will be used to login.
  5. Enter your password.
    • Tip: It is critical to enter a password that prevents an attacker from obtaining it.
  6. Check the box for “I agree to all Terms & Conditions”.
  7. Click Sign up.