Zest Booking Platform offers a comprehensive solution for tracking and monitoring the status of shipments and products. You can track the shipment’s progress from the supplier to the consumer, as well as from the point of origin to the point of destination.
Our track-and-trace product allows you to track the movement of goods and deliverables during their transportation journey. At each processing location, items are identified and any associated information is recorded and entered into our centralized processing system.
With track and trace, you can examine your booking summary, have visibility of your shipment progress in an easy-to-understand manner, get an estimate of the freight cost or customs charges based on the booking that was made, share documents with our team, and receive them from our team directly from the platform.
In order to reach the track and trace, please follow these steps:
Click on this link to access the track and trace.: https://booking.zest-logistics.com. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Thank you